Overview of Our Core Values

Thomas Nelson, Inc. operates under five core values. These values are the ideals that we esteem as a company and are considered the foundation of our corporate ideology. We believe our core values are what make us unique as a company—they define our working principles and guide our actions. Over the next few days I'll re-post this information in more detail to inform potential candidates and to remind our team of who we are and for what we stand as an organization.

Our Mission is to "Inspire the World".

Our Core Values are:

  1. Honoring God
  2. Serving Others
  3. World Class Talent
  4. Focus and Discipline
  5. Collaboration

If you want to see all this information now and in greater detail you can find it under the Mission and Values section of our corporate home page or at http://www.thomasnelsoncorporate.com/mission/


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