S and P Network Hospitals

With the start of Open Enrollment, one of the biggest issues for Tennessee staff is whether to take a plan with the Blue Cross Blue Shield network S or network P. The most common question is, "What's the difference?"

Well, here you go:

Hospitals in the S Network include Vanderbilt, St. Thomas, Baptist, Nashville General, Williamson Medical Center (Franklin), University Medical Center (Lebanon), and Middle TN Medical Center (Murfreesboro).

The HCA hospitals, which are in the P network but not in the S Network, include: Centennial, Southern Hills, Summit, Skyline, Stonecrest, & Hendersonville Medical Center.

A complete list of P and S network providers can be found here. Note that there are several network listed on that page but only P and S are available in our plan.

A complete list of HCA hospitals, none of which are available in the S network, can be found here.

As always, see any member of your Human Resources team with any questions you might have.


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