
I told Vonnie about a week into transition that the kind words said and sent to us were almost worth the anxiety of these changes.  I wasn't entirely kidding.

Of course nobody, or at least very few people, want to go into career transition. You would always prefer to make your own exit on your own terms, but that doesn't always happen for you.  When you do find out that your time has come there are waves of emotions that come with that news, from euphoria to terror and almost everything in between.  When the mood turns dark or the night gets scary the kindnesses and encouragements carry you through.

I say this for two reasons. First I want to give a sincere and heartfelt "thank you" to all of you who dropped by the office, sent a card or note, and for so many of you who sent emails.  The "you won't be out there longs" and "you'll do fines" and "you are great at what you dos" are the things that help when you need it most.

Second I want to encourage you to encourage anyone who you know is in transition.  Being on the receiving end of all this love and kindness makes my heart ache for anyone going through this who isn't getting it.

Finally, if you are in transition (and I have heard from some of you) please know that those emotions you are feeling are normal.  There isn't anything wrong with you if you panic in the middle of the night, or in the middle of the day.  I have a better network than most and had a head start.  Still, friends and family still do occasionally have to remind me that its still early and there's nothing wrong just because I don't already have my next job.

Find someone you know who can use it and encourage them.  Help them network.  Invite them to lunch out of the blue and make some calls on their behalf.  It is a kindness you may need yourself some day and you won't know until then how much it means to someone who needs it.

Comments are welcome as always.



Michael Hyatt said…
I think this is a brilliant idea to document this, Jim. It will be a huge help to people who are in a similar transition. Thanks.

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