
Showing posts from March, 2005

A Tough Topic: Final Instructions

According to the Tennessee Organ Donor website, only 2% of people are ever "brain dead" or in a permanent vegetative state prior to death. Still, the sad headlines from Florida this week are proof that it can and does happen. We've already experienced an unexpected sudden death in our Nelson family this year, and we all run the gauntlet of Nashville commuter traffic daily. To spare your family unneeded grief, and to possibly save several lives, please consider thinking these issues through and act sooner rather than later. 1. Be an Organ Donor- If your life can't be saved, you can save many others by signing an organ donor card. 2. Make your wishes known- Terri Schiavo was only 26 when she became debilitated. Talk to your loved ones this week and put any final wishes or instructions in writing and in your lock box. 3. Execute a Living Will and/or Power of Attorney- The controversy over what you want done or who can make decisions for you is best settled ahead of time....